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Remedial -

The building known by residents and the wider community as the Russian Hospital of Tamarama is in actual fact an 8 story residential apartment block in dire need of remedial works an aesthetic make over.


The Owners Corporation have been faced with Fire and Structural Orders imposed by Waverley Council compelling them to remediate all the concrete cancer within the building as well as upgrading the building to be in accordance with the current Building Code of Australia requirements for fire safety. When combining these orders with other essential maintenance issues including window and brick tie replacement, the Owners Corporation realised they were up for a bill approaching $10 million.

Faced with the prospect of a massive bill, the Owners agreed to submit a development application to undertake works that would not only satisfy the remedial and Council order requirements, but would also greatly improve the amenity and aesthetics of the building whilst providing a source of revenue to assist in the funding of the works via the creation of 2 new penthouse apartments.


The development works include:

  • Addition of balconies to the ocean facing facade providing an outdoor space to enjoy the magnificent views.

  • 2 new lift cores servicing all levels of the building.

  • 2 level security underground car park to service all units and visitors.

  • Landscaping to the grounds.

  • 2 new penthouse apartments on the existing roof to be sold that would partially fund the project.


The end result is a fully compliant building brought back to a near new state with vastly increased amenity for the residents and significant increase in property values for the existing units.

The project was approved by the Joint Regional Planning Panel and is currently progressing towards completion of construction.

SPMA managed the preparation of the successful Development Application and have an ongoing Project Management role in relation to the construction of the project. In addition to the Development Application works SPMA have also managed the installation of essential fire services and structural works required immediately for life safety.

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