Waterproofing - Bellevue Hill
The site at Bellevue was a relatively new building but had developed extensive leaks across the site due to poor detailing during the original construction of membranes and flashings to the site. SPMA were engaged by the Owners Corporation of the building to tender the proposed remedial works on the basis of a scope of works already prepared by other consultants and to act as Contract Superintendent throughout the course of the project. The works to this buildings included:
Retro-fitting of cavity flashings to masonry across the site.
Repairs to door and window sill and head flashings.
Repairs to cracked masonry elements.
Waterproofing to tiled decks.
Waterproofing of planter boxes.
Waterproofing of pebble beds.
Repairs to leaks from pool overflow.
Repairs to leaking windows.
Repairs to plumbing elements.
Repairs to internal elements damaged by water ingress.
Re-rendering and painting of building facade.
Remedial works to timber elements.
Throughout the project a number of complex leaks were identified which were not addressed by the original scope and SPMA were intensively involved in the investigation of these items and the scoping of their repairs.